
Bruxism (Teeth Grinding), headaches and neck stiffness By Geoffrey Hogan (M.Ost) Farringdon Osteopaths   Recently we went through a period of time where a lot of people were presenting to the clinic with neck pain and stiffness, and headaches. Often they were waking up with the symptoms in the morning. On further questioning, a lot of these patients had one thing in common, clenching or grinding their teeth. Most of the patients were grinding their teeth at night time and their partners often heard them grinding when they were asleep. A few were also catching themselves doing it during the ….continue to the whole article

Ipad Neck Strain

By Geoffrey Hogan (M.Ost) Farringdon Osteopaths The most prevalent injuries that we Osteopaths treat on a day to day basis, in a way, reflect the society that we live in. These injuries change over time and as lifestyles and technologies develop, so too do new and interesting ways for people to injure themselves. The evolution of the desk based working society undoubtedly has been the primary contributing factor to the prolific rise of low back injuries over the decades. Ask almost anyone who works or has worked at a desk and they will surely report having had some low back ….continue to the whole article