Protect yourself from Winter illness

By Geoffrey Hogan (M.Ost) Farringdon Osteopaths With the seasons changing, our likelihood of getting seasonal respiratory illnesses increases. This coincides with more time spent indoors and a decrease in vitamin D levels due to lack of sunlight exposure. There are ways that we can improve our resilience during the darker seasons. An important thing that we can do is to supplement the vitamin D that we are not getting from sunlight exposure. According to the World Health Organization this should be 600 international units (IU) per day. In addition to this we can help our respiratory system to function better ….continue to the whole article

Is this drug affecting your mental health?

By Geoffrey Hogan (M.Ost) Farringdon Osteopaths At this time of year many people are thinking of different ways to improve their mental health. Doing more exercise, quitting alcohol, and taking vitamin D are some of the more well known ways to improve your mental health in the winter. There is an often overlooked drug that is widely taken on a daily basis that could be affecting your mental health too. You have probably taken this drug already today. It is the most commonly used psychoactive drug on the planet. In the correct quantity it can make you feel better and more ….continue to the whole article


Bruxism (Teeth Grinding), headaches and neck stiffness By Geoffrey Hogan (M.Ost) Farringdon Osteopaths   Recently we went through a period of time where a lot of people were presenting to the clinic with neck pain and stiffness, and headaches. Often they were waking up with the symptoms in the morning. On further questioning, a lot of these patients had one thing in common, clenching or grinding their teeth. Most of the patients were grinding their teeth at night time and their partners often heard them grinding when they were asleep. A few were also catching themselves doing it during the ….continue to the whole article